[Nottingham] "unescaping" the wildcard character for xargs

Martin martin at ml1.co.uk
Tue Jun 19 12:15:45 UTC 2012

On 19/06/12 12:30, Rory Holland wrote:
> Let's say I have a command which outputs line-delimited filenames with
> wildcards in them.
> For example:
> /home/alice/*
> /home/bob/*
> /home/eve/*
> I'm trying to cat these files, but using the following doesn't work
> <command> | xargs cat
> This is because the * character is being interpreted literally, so I
> get the following error on each line:
> cat: /home/alice/* : no such file or directory.
> Nothing in man xargs seems to help. What can I do?

The "*" needs exposing to bash or whatever shell for "globbing" to be
done by the shell for whatever your current working directory is...

One awkward trick would be to use:

<command> | while read a ; do echo $a ; done | xargs cat

That works fine provided there are no spaces or other "interpretable"
characters in your names.

Hope that helps,

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-    Martin Lomas    - OpenPGP (GPG/PGP) Public Key: 0xCEE1D3B7
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