[Nottingham] ScramDISK 2.1.0

Paul Tew binarybod at gmail.com
Fri Jun 22 21:43:30 UTC 2012

Hash: SHA1

On 22/06/12 16:46, david at gbenet.com wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am thinking of encrypting my hard disk - and have been looking at ScramDisk - has any one
> had any experience with this software?
> Have you a favourite disk encryption?
> I'm also going to be writing an article on disk encryption - there's enough wiki pages to
> chew over - your experiences with disk encryption would be helpful :)
> David

Have a look at the recent gpgpwd thread which has diverted into this area.

You may find that even considering full disk encryption puts you streets
ahead of the neighbours in your street...

If I might explain - As a police officer whenever I bought a house I
always looked at the other houses in the street; if they had mortice
locks, I bought deadbolts. If they had hardened windows, I bought roller
shutters. If they had a dog, I bought a sophisticated alarm system. The
point is, I was always 1 or 2 steps ahead. If a burglar looked down our
street, I was (and hopefully still am) the hardest to attack, my
neighbours were always easier if you wanted to burgle a house.

The same principle applies to being online. If you are harder to attack
than your neighbour(s) then you are less likely to be attacked yourself.

Full Disk Enryption does not protect you from attacks whilst you are
logged in and the attack is predicated on your online profile. However,
it does protect you from someone looking at your machine if they seize
it whilst in a dead state (provided they can breach the password in some

Bottom line - all encryption can be breached, some is easier than others
and in my experience this has nothing to do with mathematical
probabilities, the attacker is either lucky or they aren't that's just
the way the cookie crumbles - sorry.

So, having given this rather negative message about encryption let me
flip the coin... Almost nobody uses it, really!!!

If you are considering it you are already ahead of everyone in your
street. Use whatever encryption suits you - it is bound to be better
than your neighbours because (by and large) they don't even know what it is.

I'm a police officer, my job is finding evidence from people's
computers, I encourage everyone to make my life harder and use
encryption. I am generally astonished that full disk encryption is so
easy in Windows, Linux and OSX yet almost no-one uses it, astonishing!

Use whatever floats your boat but make sure it is an encrypted one ;)

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