[Nottingham] NLUG visit? In pictures: Bletchley Park decay (WWII: Alan Turing & Enigma Code)

Martin martin at ml1.co.uk
Tue May 1 12:50:28 UTC 2012

On 01/05/12 13:38, roadierich at googlemail.com wrote:
> I've had interest from a couple of members of NTU's development society.
> No certain numbers yet, but I'll let you know as soon as I do. 

Hey, good stuff. The more the merrier! Important question: When does
term time finish for you lot? And what are the no-go dates due to exams?

Now... If we can get enough numbers together to be worth getting a
coach... ;-)

Or will the Uni minibus do? :-)


Still looking for a coopted travel-sec volunteer to coordinate this one!


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