[Nottingham] Is it theft to be live alive? (Was: Media Centre Linux distro?)

Jason Irwin jasonirwin73 at gmail.com
Thu May 10 11:00:48 UTC 2012

On 10/05/12 11:32, David Aldred wrote:
> (The one that's obvious to me - a monthly check of insurance against
> MOT/tax records, just like they do when you apply for your tax,
> is still an aspect of a surveillance society - just less visible).
Still a surveillance society.  One answer would be to have a (small)
levy on fuel cover third party insurance.
Yes, this has its own issues but many benefits e.g. some risks take care
of themselves; driver faster/more, you buy more fuel, you self-regulate
paying a higher premium.
No need for surveillance, just have juiced the tank.
Want more than basic third party (e.g. personal medical, recovery, fully
comp)?  Buy a top-up from an insurance company.

Issues?  Increased fuel cost, foreign vehicles which fuelled abroad,
electric vehicles.  The cost is offset by a drop in insurance premiums,
and the other by proper border checks for valid insurance (which should
be happening anyway).  Electrics?  Dunno how to solve that - but I am
sure you smart folks can think of something that does not require

All too often the response is technocratic (I am certainly guilty of
it), when often the solution just needs rephrased.  Here's a basic
example: how do you ensure a greener workplace?  Have a working practice
that tells people to switch their PCs off at night and punish those who
don't?  Seems logical, but it won't work and people will come to loathe
the "Environazi".  Rephrase the solution.  Have the working practice,
and simply leave a sweet on the desk of those that do power down.  No
punishment required, people will respond and you just boosted morale.

Add a levy on the fuel is an attempt to rephrase the solution to
uninsured drivers what does not involved punishment as the only way of
ensuring compliance.  Humans (like all animals) don't like punishment
and it often does not get you the response you want.

"They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."
Benjamin Franklin, 1775


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