[Nottingham] PengPod

Martin martin at ml1.co.uk
Thu Nov 15 14:51:58 UTC 2012

On 15/11/12 12:11, Jason Irwin wrote:
> What's the groupthink on the PengPod?
> http://www.indiegogo.com/pengpod
> http://www.pengpod.com/
> At US$185 it's a nice price (assuming it can be imported), but is it too
> low res/under powered/other to be of any use?
> Or is there some other amazing alternative that I don't know about?
> It'll be Transformer Infinity, I know that, but at that price-point it
> might be worth a punt for a general "cart about and not be too precious
> about" tablet.

So how does all that compare to a cheapie Android tablet that is then
rooted with a proper GNU/Linux?


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