[Nottingham] Well, this makes for depressing reading (UEFI)

Martin martin at ml1.co.uk
Wed Nov 21 15:29:45 UTC 2012

On 21/11/12 10:32, Jason Irwin wrote:
> http://blog.hansenpartnership.com/adventures-in-microsoft-uefi-signing/
> It's almost it never occurred to them that there is a life beyond Windows.
> Or (donning tin-foil hat) it is a deliberate effort to block anything
> non-Windows.
> But I doubt that.  Couldn't be that.

Unfortunately, that follows on from this other unsavoury example:

More in the series of bizarre UEFI bugs

Unbelievable coding sloppiness or malign/mischievous intent?...

This all reminds me of the "Naughty Intel" debacle of years ago for
which I think we are all still shadowed under in various ways... How
much crippled old code and old Intel cripple compilers are still in use
from that period?...


Intel's compiler: is crippling the competition acceptable?

Do Intel compilers still cripple AMD processors?

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