[Nottingham] [Talk] *Today* 01/08/2013 Script-abulous!

Jason Irwin jasonirwin73 at gmail.com
Thu Aug 1 13:11:59 UTC 2013

More of a workshop than a talk.

One of the best ways of learning is from others and the proposal is to
have mini-code reviews/idea swaps.
Do you know cool tricks?
Have found best practice ideas what work for you?
Got nightmare/funny stories of when scripts attack?
Got a script?
    Submit your script on the Notts LUG website, along with a short
explanation of what it does.
    Drop the list a note when you've done it so people know to check it
out and it can get added to the event.
    It could be serious, it could be trivial; you could be a newb, you
could be an experienced coder/sys-op; doesn’t matter.
    There’s no limitation on language, but it’s probably best to keep it
to things other folks can easily try out (e.g. BASH, Python etc).

Full details here: http://nlug.ml1.co.uk/event/script-abulous

Fellows Morton and Clayton
54 Canal Street
Nottingham, NG1 7EH
Telephone: 0115 9506795

Food is also served up until 2000.

To find us,  go through to the back of the pub and we’re up the spiral
staircase in the restaurant. Just ask one of the friendly bar staff
for NLUG if lost.

Wednesday 07/09/2011:

    1900: Meet
    2000: Workshop
    2100: General discussions


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