[Nottingham] [Non-Linux] VPN contention?

James Moore jmthelostpacket at googlemail.com
Sat Aug 3 11:12:54 UTC 2013

I think this is a Netgear router problem. Go into the control console 
and enable ping on WAN. That should fix it, if not then VM are more than 
likely throttling SSL for VPN, which signature is next door to the Skype 
one. They've always been sods with Skype.

On 26/07/2013 13:01, Jason Irwin wrote:
> Is there such a thing?  Or some kind of limitation on the number of
> simultaneous VPN connections on a single PC (Windows)?
> Or could my router/VirginMedia be refusing to allow more than 2 VPN
> connections?
> There is something very odd going on with the g/f's work lappy here.
> I don't think the issue is at my end, but not sure.

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