[Nottingham] scp on the go slow?

Jason Irwin jasonirwin73 at gmail.com
Tue Feb 5 13:04:14 UTC 2013

On 05/02/13 12:48, Martin wrote:
> Duh... Is that a USB external hard-drive as opposed to a USB flash
> memory stick?...
It's a 250GB WD spinning platter jobbie.

> High fragmentation?
Shouldn't be, it's just used for storing back-ups (I need to order some 
new drives).

> Anything bigger than the Microsoft killer 2GByte limit?
Uh-oh.  Yes.  There's three dumps of other stuff on there (circa 35GB 
each) and me trying to drop on this 65GB tar.

> Too long a USB lead causing problems?
Don't think so - it's the standard wire that came with the device.

> Or even the USB lead draped over the power adapter and suffering errors
> due to electrical/magnetic noise pickup?
I shall have a tidy this evening and keep it clear of the bricks.

Just trying an rsync from home to the drive - that's maxing out at 6MB/s.
Must be something drive/cable/file-system related.

Shall see what happens.

Jason Irwin

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