[Nottingham] [Talk] Wednesday 09/01/2013: A January Treat Retold

Martin martin at ml1.co.uk
Mon Jan 7 22:33:09 UTC 2013


*This Wednesday 09/01/2013 at Fellows*

A January Treat Retold

We have our website back up online de-malwared, de-Googled, and with
some burnt out vitals replaced. (Could make for quite a bit of a talk in
itself... :-( Certainly demonstrated the good yet intrusively unwelcome
side of Google...)

So... What new Christmas goodies and stories have you to show and tell?

Snail post permitting, I may be giving John a good run for his graphics ;-)

All at our usual Fellows Morton and Clayton:

7:30pm Wednesday 09/01/2013

We'll be keeping snug and warm by the warmth near the main bar!

And Happy New Year!

See ya there,


- ------------------ - ----------------------------------------
-    Martin Lomas    - OpenPGP (GPG/PGP) Public Key: 0xCEE1D3B7
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