[Nottingham] [Talk] *TODAY* *THURSDAY* 04/07/2013: The Art of Code

Martin martin at ml1.co.uk
Wed Jul 3 23:16:09 UTC 2013


*TODAY* *THURSDAY* 7:30pm 04/07/2013:

For an interesting fusion:

*The Art of Code*

At Fellows, Morton and Clayton.

>> A very famous codesmith[*] has devoted his life to collected wisdom for
>> the Art of Programming collected into a Grand Opus. And he's become
>> pretty much a legend and is still going strong!
>> This talk and demonstration is not about that. We haven't got a 4-year
>> degree course to spare :-)
>> More meaningfully for the evening...
>> What /is it/ that makes code 'beautiful'?
>> Can coding /be/ beautiful?
>> Get your bits along to see for yourself this *THURSDAY* at our old haunt
>> at Fellows, Morton and Clayton. (No football! And food promised.)
>> 7:30pm meet and food;
>> 8:00pm-ish talk and discussions.
>> At: Fellows Morton and Clayton
>> 54 Canal Street, Nottingham, NG1 7EH
>> Good beer. Food served up until 8pm.

All welcome! :-) (Just ask the friendly bar staff if lost.)


>> [*]: Donald Knuth:
>> The Art of Computer Programming (sometimes known by its initials TAOCP)
>> is a comprehensive monograph written by Donald Knuth that covers many
>> kinds of programming algorithms and their analysis.
>> Knuth began the project, originally conceived as a single book with
>> twelve chapters, in 1962. The first three of what was then expected to
>> be a seven-volume set were published in 1968, 1969, and 1973. The first
>> installment of Volume 4 (a paperback fascicle) was published in 2005.
>> The hardback volume 4A was published in 2011. Additional fascicle
>> installments are planned for release approximately biannually.
>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Art_of_Computer_Programming

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