[Nottingham] [Talk] *This week* 01/08/2013 Script-abulous!

Martin martin at ml1.co.uk
Tue Jul 30 17:22:51 UTC 2013

Jason, All,

I'll be conjuring up some fun Python for Thursday...

Meanwhile, there's this impressive bit of bash for the old tty terminal
from "Bazza" a little while ago:


Could be fun to give that a try on the night!

Any others for a few code snippets?

Add some php into the mix? ;-)


On 25/07/13 13:40, Jason Irwin wrote:
> More of a workshop than a talk.
> One of the best ways of learning is from others and the proposal is to
> have mini-code reviews/idea swaps.
> Do you know cool tricks?
> Have found best practice ideas what work for you?
> Got nightmare/funny stories of when scripts attack?
> Got a script?
>     Submit your script on the Notts LUG website, along with a short
> explanation of what it does.
>     Drop the list a note when you've done it so people know to check it
> out and it can get added to the event.
>     It could be serious, it could be trivial; you could be a newb, you
> could be an experienced coder/sys-op; doesn’t matter.
>     There’s no limitation on language, but it’s probably best to keep it
> to things other folks can easily try out (e.g. BASH, Python etc).
> Full details here: http://nottingham.lug.org.uk/event/script-abulous
> Fellows Morton and Clayton
> (http://www.fellowsmortonandclayton.co.uk/index.asp)
> 54 Canal Street
> Nottingham, NG1 7EH
> Telephone: 0115 9506795
> Food is also served up until 2000.
> To find us,  go through to the back of the pub and we’re up the spiral
> staircase in the restaurant. Just ask one of the friendly bar staff
> for NLUG if lost.
> Wednesday 07/09/2011:
>     1900: Meet
>     2000: Workshop
>     2100: General discussions
> Cheers,

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