[Nottingham] [Talk] *TODAY* Tuesday 04/06/2013: Apache2 - Deflecting Poisoned Arrows

Martin martin at ml1.co.uk
Mon Jun 3 23:11:11 UTC 2013


*TODAY* Tuesday 04/06/2013 7:30pm:

> Apache2: Deflecting Poisoned Arrows
> http://nottingham.lug.org.uk/event/apache2-deflecting-poisoned-arrows
> Apache2 is perhaps the most widely used webserver software running the
> Internet as we know it.
> This informal talk will run through some general “Good Practice” for
> running a secure system and include a few specifics for how to defend
> Apache2 from any/all subversive requests from whatever internet
> subversives...
> The main focus is on the general ideas of 'what happens' and should be
> of interest to all whether or not you might run your own web server, and
> whether or not you use Apache2 or one of the other good servers.

All welcome,

Geeks and non-geeks alike! :-)


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-    Martin Lomas    - OpenPGP (GPG/PGP) Public Key: 0xCEE1D3B7
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