[Nottingham] Computerphile

Sean Riley (computerphile) sr at boardie.com
Fri May 31 13:25:33 UTC 2013

Thanks Martin and David,

yes the laptop was an afterthought really - I think the idea of 
interesting things you can do with Linux, or places you don't expect to 
find it might have some ground - I'm not looking for a niche to fill, we 
already have a lot of subscribers who are interested in hearing things 
from people who know.

The media centre idea is a good one - possibly a 'this is what you can 
do for this much money which performs better than this apple device for 
instance.... - for instance - again bringing from my own limited 
experience, I have a NAS full of videos since my domestic camera went 
tapeless, and aside from the footage I shoot for a living I have a 
library of videos of my family, but I haven't seen an elegant solution 
to let me stream those videos to the comfort of our lounge - I know its 
possible but how do you set something like that up (biggest problem in 
commercially available kit tends to be which file-types they support etc)

Apologies if this is seen as a ramble - will try to come on Tuesday - 
might be easier to thrash some ideas out in person.

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