[Nottingham] Short notice: Anyone want a ThinkPad T430?

Jason Irwin jasonirwin73 at gmail.com
Mon Nov 18 10:50:31 UTC 2013

Anyone want to buy this for £500? (That's about what I paid, I'll even
give you the £1 change if you want)
	14", 1600x900 LCD (did not spot any dead pixels)
	Intel HD 4000
	6-cell battery (10 hours claimed, so you can bet on at least 5 hours)
	HD webcam
	UK keyboard (no backlight, replacement keyboard is ~£30 and easy to fit)
	Wireless (no bluetooth - use a dongle or retro-fit the daughterboard)
	Warranty until 2016 (battery is not covered)
	Touchpad and nipple (oo-err, missus)
	2xUSB 3.0, 2xUSB 2.0
	VGA and mini-HMDI (or whatever it's called) out.
	No real scuffs, scratches or damage; but is is second hand so not

	Windows 7 Ultimate, MS Office 2010 etc (all legit as far as I can tell)

It's a decent wee laptop, perfectly capable of running most things,
pushing HD video and light gaming. Runs GNU/Linux like a total champ. I
gave Kubuntu a punt from a USB stick as was rather impressed. Retail
price is still quite high on these, even though the 4th gen chips have
dropped, for example dabs.com has them listed around £900-1,200
depending on exact specs.

Only reason I am getting shot of it is....it wasn't what I'd ordered!

So does anyone want this for the asking price (no haggling) before I
punt it back at the eBay seller?
I intended to send it either today or tomorrow first thing.

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