[Nottingham] Dual boot failure

Anil Kiral admin at anilkiral.info
Sat Sep 7 18:54:48 UTC 2013

One way to recover your photos would be to boot with a live cd/USB. Ubuntu installation cd should work as it allows you to test the OS before installing. Unless the file system is corrupted, you'll be able to mount the Ubuntu partition with your photos on and copy the photos to a USB, a cd, the windows partition, or whatever.

Anil Kiral

> On 7 Sep 2013, at 16:36, Alistair Lane <alistairlane at talktalk.net> wrote:
> Can anyone help?
> I had my Acer Aspire One netbook set up to dual boot with ubuntu and windows 7.  For some reason or reasons unknown windows did an automatic checkdisk thing and completely messed up the dual boot so that all I get when I select ubuntu is a console screen with 'grub>'.  What I want to know is how can I recover my photos from the ubuntu partition before I do a complete reinstall (probably without windows).
> Any help appreciated.
> Alistair
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