[Nottingham] Meeting The Expert...

Martin martin at ml1.co.uk
Wed Apr 2 13:24:13 UTC 2014


How many have suffered this sort of business planning meeting for real?...

The Expert (Short Comedy Sketch)


And just for an "expert clarification" for that YouTube clip:

There is an assumption there of working only in 2-D space.

Thinking "outside of the box" and outside of the 2D of the pen chart, to
meet more of their criteria, you can go to 3D whereby you can then have
a maximum of 3 distinct lines that are perpendicular to each other.
Also, by taking advantage of topology, you can also form a suggested
triangle to be outlined by three perpendicular lines by taking advantage
of the extra dimension available for 2D in 3D. If we go pan-dimensional
virtual, then the full criteria for the number and orientation of the
lines can be achieved, however, note that is only possible in a /virtual
environment/ for our own presently known world...

The colour requirements however must be the subject of another meeting...


And scarily: I have actually been in meetings like that were you just
have to have a pause for out-of-the-box reflection and decide that yes,
really, everyone else is /MAD/ and know nothing of whatever it is the
meeting is supposed to be about...

Is there a better way?!


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