[Nottingham] Simple coding question ....

Martin martin at ml1.co.uk
Sat Aug 16 19:26:56 UTC 2014

On 16/08/14 13:36, Barry Drake wrote:
> On 16/08/14 12:10, Paul Sladen wrote:
>> You've got a clash in naming between a DIY function called 'getline()'
>> and the standard function called 'getline()'. One of them needs to be
>> renamed; eg, calling it "fdp_getline()". alternatively, you may be
>> able to get away with a: #define getline fdp_getline if you can manage
>> to scope it correctly.
> Thanks - I must be even rustier with coding than I thought.  I should
> have spotted that getline is now a library functhon. Renaming the local
> function worked perfectly.  Sorry to have asked such a trivial question.

Not at all, good question and good answer and thanks for noting the fix.

I may yet be on the list for my fail2ban + gamin Gentoo quirkiness...

(Gamin not used by fail2ban despite all being installed and the inotify
enabled in the kernel and... More experimenting to do yet...)


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