[Nottingham] Smart meters

Jason Irwin jasonirwin73 at gmail.com
Thu Aug 28 08:52:39 UTC 2014

On 27/08/14 21:00, Martin wrote:
> Obviously, noone else seem to have any!
I now know a few more things.

The main protocol seems to be "ZigBee"; proprietary, not secure (issues
with handshake and keys AIUI).
Shame really, would be great to have the home server collect the data
and then allow me to check it on the phone, laptop etc.

There is apparently no standard, so meter from Company A cannot be used
by Company B; if you change providers you either need a new meter or it
reverts a dumb meter. That's what they get for going closed-source.

We are protected in statute:

Still to read the document about privacy:

An old BBC article: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-18407340

Either way, you're going to have one by 2017.

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