[Nottingham] LibreOffice cloud? (And collaboration/chat servers/clients)

Martin martin at ml1.co.uk
Mon Jan 20 20:51:22 UTC 2014

On 20/01/14 19:27, Anil Kiral wrote:
> There is Etherpad lite (http://etherpad.org). It doesn't seem to have
> as many features as LibreOffice but it supports plugins so you might
> be able to add some more features that way.

Thanks for that.

That looks more like a "chat client" that offers a little formatting to
the text you type. Rather neat for working in a browser window.

However, it looks to need a lot loading up with the Google Chrome node.js...

Are there not lighter-weight "Chat" clients?

That does give an interesting idea to use a chat system for
'collaboration/messaging' rather than the more cumbersome
'multi-editing' docs of such as OwnCloud...

OK... Any recommendations for an easily served GUI-style chat suitable
for web browsers or for very easily installed clients across all of
Windows, Macs, Android, and i-Whatevers?

(OK, so next talk Thursday next week is going to be about what I find
and use ;-) )


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