[Nottingham] [Talk] *Tomorrow* Thursday 30/01/2014: Gentoo: Frightening or Fantastic?

Martin martin at ml1.co.uk
Wed Jan 29 09:03:19 UTC 2014


*Tomorrow* Thursday 30/01/2014

7:30pm @ Falcon Inn at Canning Circus

For our first talk of the year, we're topically covering something I
seem to have been doing a lot of recently...

Gentoo: Frightening or Fantastic?


There's a bit of a back-story listed there. The brief bullet points are:

*    Is Gentoo too scary to use?
*    Or is it too good not to use?!
*    And for what use cases? Where/how?...

Depending on interest and connectivity: This talk/demo will cover what
Gentoo is about and possibly demonstrate a Gentoo installation from
scratch. It’s your meeting, just ask questions :-)

All at the newly reopened Falcon Inn at Canning Circus:

*7:30pm Thursday 30/01/2014*

All welcome!


(Note: We've moved to talks on the third Thursday of each month. Socials
on the other Thursdays ;-) )

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-    Martin Lomas    - OpenPGP (GPG/PGP) Public Key: 0xCEE1D3B7
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