[Nottingham] *nix most dangerous command line commands...

Martin martin at ml1.co.uk
Mon Jun 30 20:16:29 UTC 2014

On 19/06/14 15:42, Michael Simms wrote:
> Well I haven't posted for an awful long time, but hooray, I'm back now
> I've got my backside in gear and sorted out my email.

Good to have you back onlist ;-)

> Most dangerous un*x commands, well, my current ones are:
> * and & are next to each other. If you're removing a big bunch of files,
> and want to background it, you can easily instead select everything.
> My fear for the last 20 years is because I have emacs aliased to 'em',
> and one day, one day, I'll hit the key next to the E instead. It's an
> incredibly dangerous alias, but I still haven't made the mistake - and I
> can't believe I just said that {:-)

Mmmm... Definitely scope there for damage from slightly shifted touch
typing or blind typing... To em or rm?...

I have "v" aliased to "vim"... Once had some confusion when lazily
leaving my little finder on the ctl key yet /intending/ to call up vim...

And then there is the fly squashed in the teletype printer in Terry
Gilliam's Brazil... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brazil_%281985_film%29


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