[Nottingham] Faster Linux/Windows copies?

Martin martin at ml1.co.uk
Tue May 27 08:55:33 UTC 2014

On 27/05/14 08:43, Jason Irwin wrote:
> On 26/05/14 20:40, Martin wrote:
>> Might your 40MBytes/s max be due to something like using a USB adapter
>> or a x1 PCIe slot or a maxed out (v)CPU?...
> I've noticed at home that using SMB that's where it maxes out. Not sure
> what the bottleneck is. It's on a gigabit LAN, so it sure as heck ain't
> the network.

Synchronous write ack delay and too small a write buffer?

Or too large a read buffer (delay) for the returning acks?

CPU maxed out or some NIC bottleneck?

>> Any useful hints and tips? ;-)
> One. Boot to a Live Linux, run-up an rsync daemon and copy that way. No
> crypto, but not a big deal in many cases.

Good workaround! Easier and safer than physically moving disks.

>> (We could do with some more contributors/contributions to the NLUG
>> How/Misc pages... :-) )
> I'm still writing-up how to (almost) unbreak CardDAV support on HTC....

Now that's interesting being as I've got a HTC... Good excuse for a beer
on Thursday ;-)


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