[Nottingham] Going quack for an alternate search...

Martin martin at ml1.co.uk
Wed Nov 12 20:30:52 UTC 2014

On 04/11/14 20:04, Martin Garton wrote:
> On Sat, Aug 16, 2014 at 08:35:34PM +0100, Martin wrote:
>> Myself, I rather like their attempt at "Instant Answers" rather
>> than just spewing up a few web links that may or may not be
>> connected. The other aspects of their approach appeals also.
> I've been using duckduckgo as my preferred search engine for a couple
> of years and I'm really happy with it.  As a fallback, I also use
> startpage.com, which respects privacy, but ultimately is based on
> google I believe.


Good to see you on the list.

D-D-G works well but I'll admit to missing a few search tools to shape
the search results... Will have to compare with startpage.com...

I'll see what I can find :-P

Thanks for that,

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