[Nottingham] Smart meters

Martin martin at ml1.co.uk
Wed Sep 10 14:10:47 UTC 2014

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On 26/08/14 21:07, Jason Irwin wrote:
> Having just been offered a smart meter from our energy supplier,
> what's the deal with them?
> Obviously I've heard the scare stories about them being easily
> hackable etc; but does anyone have any experience or further
> knowledge?
> Maybe I'll take the opportunity to ask my supplier some awkward
> questions.

Just now in the news:

Smart meters will save only 2% on energy bills, say MPs

Installing smart meters in every house in the UK will save consumers
"only 2%" on their annual bills, a committee of MPs has warned.

The Public Accounts Committee (PAC) said that, on average, consumers
will save just £26 a year.

MPs also warned that the technology could be out of date by the time
the roll-out is complete.

The Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) said smart meters
will lower bills and make switching easier.

Installing the meters - which begins in earnest next year - will cost
£215 per household, or £10.6bn.

Customers will be charged an annual amount on their bills to cover the
cost, peaking at £11 a year in 2017...

... The project has already run into delays, and has been criticised
elsewhere as a waste of money.

That £10.6bn could buy an awful lot of wind, solar, and tidal power...

Or even fund making dirty old coal into going clean...

Politics and lobbying overruling good sense?...


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