[Nottingham] What small, lean, mean Linux distro do you run with?

Martin martin at ml1.co.uk
Sat Aug 8 14:22:19 UTC 2015


A very apt fortune quote didst pop up this day:

SMALL Linux Distributions: Armed Linux, Coyote Linux, ChainSaw Linux,
DLX Linux, DOS Linux, "File, Print & CD Server", hal91 Floppy Linux,
Linux Embedded, Monkey Linux, muLinux, Peanut Linux, Phat Linux,
ThinLinux, TINY Linux, tomsrtbt, Trustix Secure Linux, White Dwarf
Linux, WinLinux 2000, WholeLinux, ZipHam.

-- Sven Guckes in at.linux 2002-08-07

I've run around for a long time with "Demo Linux", "Damned Small
Linux" and "Puppy Linux" to fix various machines 'in the field'.

They've since been superseded by USB sticks with Mageia4 (Red Hat
based) and Kubuntu (Debian based) which between them seem to cover
almost all known hardware.

(See the fantastic Linux timeline cladogram: http://futurist.se/gldt/ )

Other useful tool 'distros' are Clonezilla, GParted, and one or two
others for fixing broken Windows passwords...

"Demo Linux" brought me into the world of Linux long ago which then
lead me into the early days of Mandrake Linux (since squeezed out of

And that was all back in the early days of the onslaught of malware
newly afflicting WinXP which then lead onto some internet crashes that
far outstrips the legend of the old great internet worm[*]. I never
did believe in trying to 'paper over' symptoms rather than instead
(and more properly) fixing the source... (Sorry for the bad puns!)

Times move on fast...

Why do you do Linux?

For me, it just simply works. All without having to give away your
IT/cyber freedoms.


*: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morris_worm

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