[Nottingham] another interesting read

Martin martin at ml1.co.uk
Mon Dec 7 13:19:21 UTC 2015

On 07/12/15 08:07, david at gbenet.com wrote:
> https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/kafkaesque-sacrifice-encryption-security-name-daniel-solove?trk=eml-b2_content_ecosystem_digest-recommended_articles-61-null&midToken=AQGcq1yW0NdgRg&fromEmail=fromEmail&ut=0ojPfeZXTtDD01

Proponents for allowing government officials to have backdoors to
encrypted communications need to read Franz Kafka.  Nearly a century
ago, Kafka deftly captured the irony at the heart of their argument in
his short story, "The Burrow."

After the Paris attacks, national security proponents in the US and
abroad have been making even more vigorous attempts to mandate a
backdoor to encryption.
The Encryption Backdoor Argument

Th encryption backdoor argument has been made and soundly rejected many
times, most notably in the 1990s, when the government wanted the Clipper
Chip, a requirement for a back door in technology for law enforcement
and national security officials to use.

The argument was renewed when Apple and other companies started
facilitating end-to-end user encryption. ...

Very good apt comment.

Rather than attempting to break our technology to try to mitigate
against certain human 'symptoms'... Should not the world strive to be a
more enlightened and better place in the first place?...

That's a stirring interesting topic for quite a few beers!


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