[Nottingham] Around on 17th Dec for Roundhouse Christmas nosh?

Martin martin at ml1.co.uk
Mon Dec 7 20:35:13 UTC 2015

Andy, Stefne,

Certainly can and good to have you along.

I've just now bagged a bigger table for 9 people and counting.

We're fine up to 12 people. Must let them know exact numbers and menus.

Lets party :-)

(We also get possibly two international appearances from the far east
also ;-) )

All welcome, especially those new to the group.

The more the merrier! :-)


Andy Beale wrote:
> Can you add me and Stef to list
> Andy
> On 7 Dec 2015, at 19:37, Martin wrote:
>> Folks,
>> We have the grand total of 6...
>> Any more so that we can grab the remaining table?!
>> Cheers,
>> Martin
>> Martin wrote:
>>> Folks,
>>> We have a table booked at The Roundhouse for our usual NLUG Christmas
>>> Nosh + Ingress[*] squeaks-flash-bang-screams!
>>> Please let me know you are game!
>>> The menu is:
>>> http://www.theroundhousenottingham.co.uk/food/christmas-menu-2015/
>>> Let me know offlist for giving a pre-order.
>>> They are wanting a deposit ( :-O )
>>> Further details to be posted once I have an idea of numbers.
>>> Let the fun begin :-)
>>> Cheers,
>>> Martin
>>> [*]: https://www.ingress.com/
>>> Some non-augmented mere mortals will be in reality staying to enjoy the
>>> beer and food and immediate surroundings :-)

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