[Nottingham] Python editor

Martin martin at ml1.co.uk
Thu Feb 12 09:09:40 UTC 2015

On 11/02/15 20:26, Going It Alone wrote:
> Greetings to the group.
> I'm wondering if anyone can help.  What I'm looking for is an editor
> that I can load, edit and run python code in.  I want to see what the
> various bits of code will do when ran without actually running the code
> live on my system.  I'd like to customize a setup wizard for xbmc to my
> needs. 
> Any suggestions?  No proprietary solutions please.

Oh... That's easy:



Bound to be able to do it!! :-) :-)

Wouldn't surprise me if the KDE Kate editor can go some way to what you

Or for a modest sum and infinite fun: Go with a RasPi2?... That after
all does have a big emphasis for teaching and running Python...

Now also can be used as an optical flash detector :-P

More seriously: Others have given good answers as already seen :-)

Let us know what you find,

Good luck,


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-    Martin Lomas    - OpenPGP (GPG/PGP) Public Key: 0xCEE1D3B7
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