[Nottingham] How ISP shenanigans hampers your browsing experience.

Jason Irwin jasonirwin73 at gmail.com
Wed Jan 7 14:13:54 UTC 2015

On 07/01/15 13:49, Jason Irwin wrote:
> I am not sure why they inject a firewall rule to route to port 81 when
> pixelserv is started on port 80.
Actually I do see what's going on. They move httpd to port 81, then
start pixelserv on 80.
The iptable must be an attempt to discriminate between deliberate
pixelserv requests and normal web gui ones.
Which almost makes sense as the browser will be trying to request from
port 80...if it wasn't for the fact that pixelserv is bound to a
distinct IP address.

So....why not just leave iptables alone?
Ho hum.

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