[Nottingham] [Talk] Thurs 16th July - Terminal Multiplexers and beyond

Jason Irwin jasonirwin73 at gmail.com
Tue Jul 14 11:59:31 UTC 2015

When one terminal session just isn't enough information overload!

Multiplexers perform a variety of related functions allowing you to be
more productive in the terminal, manage more complicated worflows and
ease the pain of all those disparate connections.

This will be a more “hands-on” workshop than a true talk with a
(hopefully) functional server; so bring a device with SSH capabilities
if you want to play along.

When: Thurs 16th July 2015 (1930 for 2000)
Where: The Organ Grinder, 21 Alfreton Road, Canning Circus, Nottingham

NLug Link: http://nlug.ml1.co.uk/event/terminal-multiplexers-and-beyond

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