[Nottingham] [Meta] Request for talks, rants, demos, mumbles

Jason Irwin jasonirwin73 at gmail.com
Wed Jul 15 07:56:54 UTC 2015

On 14/07/15 19:42, Martin wrote:
> There's the new SuperTuxKart 0.9: Track strategies evening and practice?
Does the new one have multi-player? I can't recall.

I'll issue an open challenge to anyone on Sauerbraten.
It's not an addition, I have it under control.

I really want to get Recalbox on to the RasPi2 I have sitting here. Only
bits missing are some gamepads.

> NLUG is your group,
Indeed, and I'm a gobby so-and-so. If there is silence, I have the need
to fill it.
So if you want to shut me up, speak up! :-)

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