[Nottingham] Really really retro ... as time goes by ....

Jason Irwin jasonirwin73 at gmail.com
Wed Jul 22 07:52:21 UTC 2015

On 21/07/15 21:39, Barry Drake wrote:
> Now, what to do with the antique but priceless Tandberg?  Any thoughts?
>  I'd be happy to loan it, give it away or whatever.  I'd like folk like
> me to have a chance of rescuing ancient audio tapes.
Hackspace? (As others have suggested)

How bulky is the thing? Maybe a little show-and-tell somewhere?

I wonder if there's an A/V group or something like that in Nottingham?
Oh, what about one of the colleges/unis? One of them is bound to be
doing a film course or something.

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