[Nottingham] LinuxBierWanderung 2015 in Wiltz, Luxembourg

Jason Irwin jasonirwin73 at gmail.com
Fri Jul 24 12:23:10 UTC 2015

Linux & Open Source enthusiasts from around the world will meet in
Wiltz, Luxembourg from 16th to 23rd August 2015 for the 17th annual
LinuxBierWanderung (a.k.a. LBW, or "Linux Beer Hike").

Learning, talking, hacking, walking, dining and, of course, beer
drinking. The LinuxBierWanderung is all this and much more.  Every year,
dozens of Linux enthusiasts meet up somewhere in Europe for a week long

The event web site [1] provides detailed information about location,
accommodation, travel, etc.  Participants are requested to register [2]
for the event.  The registration site will give more detailed
information about the schedule.  The LBW can be described as an
"unconference".  There is no official centralized organization.  There
is no fixed fee for participants, but voluntary donations toward the
cost of the event are much appreciated. Participants are expected to
arrange their own travel and accommodation. Activities, such as talks,
workshops, hikes, etc, are organized by the participants.  There is a
mailing list [3] and an IRC channel [4] where participants discuss the


The annual LinuxBierWanderung started in 1999.  It was originally
conceived as a traditional German "Bierwanderung", i.e. hiking from brew
pub to
brew pub through the wonderful landscape of Bavaria in Germany.  The
original plans didn't work out, so some people ended up improvising a
meeting in Pottenstein in Germany instead, but the name stuck.  This
happily disorganised event turned out to be such a success that it has
been repeated every year since, visiting various countries, including
Belgium, England, Ireland, Slovakia, The Netherlands, Scotland,
Lithuania, Greece, Switzerland, and now, Luxembourg.

[1] Event web site: http://lbw2015.yoink.eu/
[2] Registration site: http://lbw.draiocht.net/registration/5/
[3] Mailing list: http://groups.google.com/group/linuxbierwanderung
[4] IRC: channel #lbw at irc.oftc.net

on behalf of

Julia Freeman
WF Konynenberg

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