[Nottingham] Anyone got 50p?
dennis.furr at gmail.com
dennis.furr at gmail.com
Tue Mar 24 15:41:27 UTC 2015
This is all well and good but it doesn’t reduce the number of non-renewable generation points required until a storage architecture is in place. Indeed, building a storage architecture has the potential to shift off-demand capacity to the on-demand part of the cycle. There are proposed solutions such as liquid metal batteries that could fulfil this role but there certainly isn’t very much noise about this.
Please don’t misunderstand. I’m in favour of renewable energy but I’m also in favour of having a robust solution. This probably means a diverse energy supply. I don’t understand why more funding doesn’t go to thorium salt research. This would be a perfectly reasonable medium term vector until there is adequate technical advances in fusion.
From: Martin
Sent: Tuesday, 24 March 2015 14:08
To: Notts GNU/Linux Users Group
A bit more solar in the UK news just now:
Solar energy 'could provide 4% of UK electricity by 2020'
"Solar power will do to energy what mobile phones did for communication
and markets."
He said he expected up to 14GW of solar by 2020 - up from 5GW at the end
of 2014. That equates roughly to 1.5% of total UK annual electricity to
just under 4%. He said he expected it to grow further in the next decade.
... subsidy for domestic solar would continue.
... "Previously the minister Greg Barker expressed an ambition to get
20GW of solar by 2020 - we could have hit that figure if the government
wasn't so blind to solar's potential."
A government spokesman said there were now 650,000 solar installations
in the UK, including panels on homes.
That "4%" figure must be the average over a year as compared to peak
Quick... Everyone move over to the RasPi and shut down all those
electricity guzzling x86 CPUs!
On 21/03/15 16:44, Martin wrote:
> On 20/03/15 10:36, Martin wrote:
>> On 20/03/15 09:55, Paul Sladen wrote:
>>> On Fri, 20 Mar 2015, Jason Irwin wrote:
>>>> I think the sun needs a few coins popped into it.
>>>> Looks like the meter is running out :-)
>>> Just a brown out... nearly fixed now.
>> That supposedly cost something like an extra 80 power stations coming
>> online across Europe to pick up the solar shortfall.
>> Looking on http://www.gridwatch.templar.co.uk/ for the UK there looks to
>> be about a 2GW bump for coal and gas and a 1.5GW bump for pumped storage
>> hydro... (Small display scale makes for awkward reading...)
>> Have we really got that much solar already in the UK?!
> Interesting numbers in this rather overly sensationalist BBC news snippet:
> Solar eclipse poses energy challenge
> http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-31951768
> #####
> The UK has 5GW of solar, the equivalent to the power output from about
> eight to 10 gas fired power stations.
> But while the amount of electricity generated from solar will fall
> during eclipse, National Grid is not expecting any major impact.
> "This loss of solar is entirely manageable," said a National Grid
> spokesperson. "We have a range of tools in place to manage any effects
> of the eclipse and balance the network."
> #####
> And... The grid suffers a bigger power fluctuation from people brewing
> up during TV adverts!!
> :-P
>> Now then... Back to work you sun worshipping slackers!! ;-)
> Shine on! :-)
> Cheers,
> Martin
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