[Nottingham] Plain text passwords?

Jason Irwin jasonirwin73 at gmail.com
Tue Nov 3 11:52:00 UTC 2015

On 03/11/15 11:44, david at gbenet.com wrote:
> Everything on FB is vetted - even private posts. If they don't like something they delete
> it. The treat every one on FB like a 5 year old kid - they have right-wing American
> christian standards - every announcement would be vetted. I am firmly against any use of FB
> or Twitter. Tyranny is not something that I support.
Thing is, Daryl is right. That's where the people are and for that
reason, I personally have no issue with using them (or G+) as a pure
announcement platform. Matt Lee had a great chinwag with us about GNU
Social a while back but as great as that is, I doubt there's many people
in Notts using it.

It's something we can argu^H^H^H...discuss of beer and pizza this Thurs
(details to follow).

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