[Nottingham] [Non-Linux] A winter wander in the wilderness

Martin martin at ml1.co.uk
Tue Nov 3 18:23:10 UTC 2015

Good idea, and...

To add to the positivity: Good interest from me regardless of the weather!

To be continued at the social ;-)


On 02/11/15 09:00, Daryl wrote:
> The weather will be interesting as I'm sure the only proper item of
> hiking gear I own is a pair of boots! However it's a reasonable distance
> and as I've been known on occasion to walk the 9 miles from the city
> centre home to "clear my head", I'm sure I will be fine!
> If we're talking probabilities, put me down at 95% and I'm also happy to
> be transport.
> On Mon, 2 Nov 2015 08:28 Jason Irwin <jasonirwin73 at gmail.com
> <mailto:jasonirwin73 at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     On 02/11/15 01:30, Michael Simms wrote:
>     > Passing a short portion in that way without asking for financial
>     > compensation is considered fair use.
>     But then I'd have to scan it and format shifting is illegal in the
>     UK. :-)
>     > No map there either, unless it's very small, or low opacity {:-)
>     Sorry, was on mobile at the time. You can see a map here (appears to be
>     similar/same route):
>     http://www.walksaroundbritain.co.uk/stanageedge
>     Also 9 miles (the book seems to miss out some parts, gives us the
>     opportunity to shorten if needs be).
>     > Well, put me down as a 70% likely.
>     Cool. Once we know who's coming we can arrange rides etc.

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