[Nottingham] **TOMORROW** [Talk] Run What You Brung
martin at ml1.co.uk
Wed Oct 14 22:11:26 UTC 2015
Good collection, thanks.
To add to the good mish-mash:
On 14/10/15 21:03, Jason Irwin wrote:
> Apologies for the late notice (once again).
> A quick mish-mash of things people have found, broken, fixed and then
> broken again. Topics to include:
> * Emby[1] Media Server live demo
> * Methods for easily re-naming large numbers of oddly named files into
> a coherent structure
I've been doing a few tricks with digicam photos to sensibly order them
for slide shows with a few bits of bash such as:
# Prefix all filenames with the photo creation date:
# (The following should be a one-liner ;-) )
# for a in *.jpg *.JPG ; do d=$(exiftool -CreateDate "$a" );
# d="${d#*: }"; d="${d//:/-}"; d="${d/ /_}"; mv -v "$a" "${d}__${a}" ;
# done
That is useful when you have photos from multiple cameras to put into a
chronological sequence. Synchronise the camera times first!
Another variant is:
# for a in *.jpg *.JPG ; do d=$(exiftool -CreateDate "$a" );
# d="${d#*: }"; d="${d//:/}"; d="${d/ /}";
# touch -t "${d:0:12}.${d:(-2)}" "${a}" ; done
which instead sets the file timestamp to match the photo creation date-time.
And here is a quick little ditty to squash your multimegabyte full-frame
National Geographic style works of art behemoths to something that opens
up on a web page somewhat more quickly:
# parallel -j +0 convert {} -verbose -resize 1024x1024 -quality 55
# {.}_1k.jpg ::: *
Again, that is a single line that uses 'parallel' and 'imagemagik'
utilities to resize all files in the current directory to be exactly 1k
pixels along the longest side and jpg compressed. The original files are
left in place. The compressed files are suffixed "_1k.jpg".
> * What happens on BTRFS when the partition runs out of space (hint:
> nothing good)
There are ways to recover from that... ;-)
> * RetroPie[2] vs RecalBox[3]
> * Anything else you can to bring up
> Everyone welcome!
> Where: The Organ Grinder, 21 Alfreton Road
> Canning Circus, Nottingham NG7 3JE
> When: 15/10/2015 1930 onwards
> Links:
> 1 https://emby.media/
> 2 http://blog.petrockblock.com/retropie/
> 3 http://www.recalbox.com/
> NLug: http://nlug.ml1.co.uk/event/run-what-you-brung
See ya there!
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- ║ Martin Lomas ║ OpenPGP (GPG/PGP) Public Key: 0xCEE1D3B7 ║
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