[Nottingham] [Social] *Tomorrow* Thursday 03/09/2015: A Malt Cross Marrakesh

Martin martin at ml1.co.uk
Wed Sep 2 19:23:05 UTC 2015


To warm ourselves on a cool Autumn-like night, we have:

*Tomorrow* Thursday 03/09/2015

A Malt Cross Marrakesh

Usual start of 7:30pm, in the grandly reappointed Malt Cross.

Just look out for the Linux mags and geekie bits ;-)

All welcome!

See ya there :-)


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- ║   Martin Lomas    ║ OpenPGP (GPG/PGP) Public Key: 0xCEE1D3B7 ║
- ║ martin@ ml1 co uk ║ Import from   hkp://subkeys.pgp.net   or ║
- ║ ----------------- ║ http:// ml1 .co .uk/martin_ml1_co_uk.gpg ║
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