[Nottingham] Fitbit

Jason Irwin jasonirwin73 at gmail.com
Fri Sep 11 09:10:58 UTC 2015

On 11/09/15 09:10, stripes theotoky wrote:
> Does anyone have any experience with these devices?
Eva has a Fitbit that is water resistant but no idea on GNU/Linux
compatibility, probably not, she just plugs it into her Mac.

> The Fitbit doesn't fit these requirements being neither water proof nor
> Linux compatible.
I'm willing to be that no commercial product will by GNU/Linux
compatible. GNU/Linux doesn't register in the usage stats.
You might be lucky and their software can run under WINE.
Having said that, there is this: http://www.angelsensor.com/
It claims to be waterproof (see FAQ)
They have an SDK for iOS and Android, you could always ask them about
proper Linux but there is hope:

I did hear about some Arduino based fitness/wearable stuff that was
being created. I think it was on Linux Action Show or Linux Voice podcasts.
This /might/ be it:

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