[Nottingham] [Talk] *TODAY* Thursday 7:30pm 21/04/2016: Harrison and Burgess – Mechanisms of Time

Martin martin at ml1.co.uk
Thu Apr 21 11:24:19 UTC 2016


For a ding-dong good talk and discussion spanning time and dimensions
and one small swing of time...

> Another one "just-in-time" and something to get yer cogs of cognition
> ignited:
> :-P

*TODAY* Thursday 7:30pm 21/04/2016:

Harrison and Burgess – Mechanisms of Time

(ctl-shift-R or F5 may be needed to refresh the cache for the page.)

> Chronologically speaking...
> Can the lifetime achievements of Harrison and Burgess, spanning multiple
> centuries, be bettered by this evening’s design?
> Time to find out?
> All at our usual time and space as detailed!
> (7:30pm at the Organ Grinder)

*All Welcome*

See ya there :-)


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