[Nottingham] Cups slow problem

John me at johnwhitehead.co.uk
Thu Aug 25 09:48:41 UTC 2016

The bug is interesting, but the latest Centos patches don't fix the problem. The original server hadn't been patched for donkeys, so at a loss why it started happening, just need to fix the bugger. There's the odd network error, but nothing worse than normal.

On 25 Aug 2016 08:52, at 08:52, Jason Irwin via Nottingham <nottingham at mailman.lug.org.uk> wrote:
>On 25/08/16 07:51, John via Nottingham wrote:
>> Googling suggests cups is sending a SNMP request which these
>> devices don't support.
>Wait for a quiet period and Wireshark it? If there is an SNMP being 
>sent, should be easy enough to spot.
>> The only solution is to amend the PPD file.
>> However I'm printing pcl using the raw model, so no PPD file.
>Does this bug apply? https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=709896
>(I don't have access, not joined the Developer program yet)
>     Previously when printing to a raw print queue, when using certain 
>printer models, CUPS was incorrectly sending SNMP queries. As a 
>consequence there was a noticeable 4-second delay between queueing the 
>job and the start of printing. With this update the problem is fixed
>CUPS no longer tries to collect SNMP supply and status information for 
>raw print queues.
>Why is this suddenly biting you? All I can think of is that something, 
>possibly non-obvious, has been changed.
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