[Nottingham] Cups slow problem (printing long pause to start)

Martin martin at ml1.co.uk
Thu Aug 25 10:49:18 UTC 2016

On 25/08/16 10:48, John via Nottingham wrote:
> The original server hadn't been patched for donkeys, so at a loss why it
> started happening

OK... Different aspect to consider for what might have changed...

Are you now printing new printouts that include some big data like
graphics or new fonts to be uploaded to the printer each time?

That is, is the delay due to a lot of data being spooled up to the
printer first?

Server disk become full or badly fragmented?

HDD disk errors causing a slowdown?

Are you connecting via WiFi and there is newly more WiFi activity?

Sleep/power-saving mode been newly enabled on the printer?! :-P

And, can you see anywhere where there is high load? Or can you identify
that this is some sort of network timeout you're waiting for?

Are your thin clients themselves waiting to pull down a config file or
to check the printer status as part of trying to print?

Overly slow authentication delays??

Slow DNS lookup?...

Thin client memory swap/thrashing causing a pause?

Good sleuthing,

and good luck?


(OK, note the buckshot-at-barn approach for a beer ;-) )

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