[Nottingham] [Talk] *TODAY* 7:30pm Thursday 16/06/2016: Ever Widening Adoption of Open Source Ways

Martin martin at ml1.co.uk
Wed Jun 15 23:06:41 UTC 2016



>> For a night of wild ideas that seem to be propagating ever farther and
>> further afield, we have:
>> 7:30pm Thursday 16/06/2016, at our usual Canning Circus Organ Grinder:
>> *Ever Widening Adoption of Open Source Ways*
>> http://nottingham.lug.org.uk/event/ever-widening-adoption-of-open-source-ways
>> #####
>>     Is it “OSS”, “FOSS”, “FLOSS”, “F/LOSS”, “F/L-OSS”, or “copyleft”?
>>     Or the complete freedom of the “commons” or the “Public Domain”?
>>     What do we mean by being “open” or “open source”?
>>     What else might be meant?
>> But regardless of all the surrounding jargon, does all this “openness”
>> stuff work? Usefully?
>> #####

Come along to see and sample for yourself!

All welcome :-)


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