[Nottingham] [Other] *THURSDAY* is the day to *VOTE*

Martin martin at ml1.co.uk
Thu Jun 23 11:22:45 UTC 2016

Perhaps there was a subconscious positive inspiration of phrase?... ;-)

Why would anyone wish to rekindle the political conditions for such as
the 100-years-war with our neighbours and all that?... (Ooops! Basil
Fawlty voice: "Don't mention the war!")

Now is the time for us all to do our duty and all that to be forward
looking for peace and unity and for /all/ to prosper with that.

I hope everyone is aware enough and motivated to exercise their vote.

It is all up to us all,


On 23/06/16 04:33, Neal Ponton via Nottingham wrote:
> Was the phrase "get in there and vote" a subliminal message to stay
> within the EU Martin? :) 
> I shall be voting against the quasi racism of "likes a pint everyman"
> Farage and "look at my adorable hair" Boris. 
> I also hope everyone exercises their right, whichever way you are inclined. 
> Have a calm polling experience everyone. 
> Ta, 
> Neal. 
> 22. Jun 2016 21:14 by nottingham at mailman.lug.org.uk
> <mailto:nottingham at mailman.lug.org.uk>:
>     Folks,
>     A big reminder to *GET IN THERE AND VOTE* ...
>     For those of us in the UK and Gibraltar and other dependencies,
>     *Thursday* is the day.
>     The only notes for the occasion is that for this one, there is no such
>     thing as a 'protest' vote or a 'tactical' vote. Just directly make your
>     vote count.
>     It is all up to you.
>     And it is all up to us all.
>     Regards,
>     Martin

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