[Nottingham] [Social] *TODAY* Thurs 31/03/2016: Beeston Blue Moon Beers

Neal Ponton neal at tutamail.com
Thu Mar 31 10:42:53 UTC 2016

Matthew Garrett on twitter:
"Actually, Windows was just the name of the scientist. The monster is 

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31. Mar 2016 11:25 by nlug at lists.grepular.com:

> * on the Thu, Mar 31, 2016 at 10:16:56AM +0100, Jason Irwin wrote:
>>> http://techcrunch.com/2016/03/30/be-very-afraid-hell-has-frozen-over-bash-is-coming-to-windows-10>>> 
>>> Should this be applauded or is it just another cynical ploy
>> It's a necessity. With so many GNU/Linux deployments on Azure (~60% was
>> the figure I heard) MS has no option. People need the tooling and whilst
>> PowerShell's ability to slam objects around as params/results and do RPC
>> etc /should/ make it a slam dunk...the reality is, it's a sack of shit.
>> Trying to get it to do remote connect & execute is an exercise in
>> frustration and futility (I still use PsExec because, well, WinRM is a
>> bugger). SSH just works, y'know? Even with the grief over things having
>> spaces in their path.
>> Will this new GNU/Windows contain SSH? Dunno, don't care. Cygwin FTW!
> I think this is a bigger threat to OSX than it is to Linux. A lot of
> developers/geeks have been moving to OSX because it gives them a simple
> GUI with decent command line tools. Well, they get that with Windows
> now...
> --
> Mike Cardwell  > https://grepular.com>  > https://emailprivacytester.com
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