[Nottingham] New mobile phone (Re: [Not Linux] Minor rant & picking a new provider)

Neal Ponton neal at tutamail.com
Wed May 11 18:12:43 UTC 2016

It is a daft idea to have the only part of the device that WILL be physically 
damaged by normal use rendered permanent*. Or perhaps a bit of built-in 
obsolescence is at play here? ;-/
However, if you like a particular model and have a look at some 
deconstruction videos or guides there are some models that are easy to take 
apart with a small torx screwdriver. I'm using a Nexus 5 and it's apparently 
one of the tinkerer friendly phones. Which is just as well because it's also 
a fixed battery design. 
Presumably by the time the battery starts performing poorly the phone will be 
at least two years old and the cost of botching something up will be far less 
an issue. 

The Nexus 5 is great for a 2014 phone,  BTW, but the standard version of 
Android M is rather buggy wrt battery drain. The custom firmware I'm using is 
very good (Chroma ROM, can be found at xda developers forum). Not bad for 
£120 ;-) 
*possibly the hard volume keys and power switch, too, if you're the 
ham-fisted type. 
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11. May 2016 16:22 by nottingham at mailman.lug.org.uk:

> Awesome site that. The Moto G is probably out due to the battery. Why
> do companies ruin what looks lie a perfectly good device with
> bone-headed decision like non-removable batteries.
> A few other phones, maybe not in the same price range though. Time to
> play with sliders!
> J.
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