[Nottingham] [Talk] Thursday 7:30pm 19/05/2016: A New CPU

Martin martin at ml1.co.uk
Tue May 17 22:32:47 UTC 2016

>From John earlier (suffering email address problems!):

> I can Hand & Heart it. Given the amount of beer to be drunk, a water
> powered device would be more feasible. Now where's my Anthill Inside
> sticker...
> John

Strangely enough, you can get such stickers from:


(Scroll to the bottom.)

Early rendezvous in the Hand & Heart it is...

See ya there,


On 17/05/16 00:43, Martin via Nottingham wrote:
> Neal,
> In that case, we'll go for an early start to start the talk for 7:45pm.
> (I suppose I could try the Hand 'n' Heart for mi tea-time nosh so as to
> be already nearby... ;-) )
> Hope you can safely make it,
> Cheers,
> Martin
> On 16/05/16 16:19, Neal Ponton via Nottingham wrote:
>> This looks really interesting, but I'm on nights this week. 
>> If I get an afternoon snooze I'll come along but I have to wing it to
>> work at 9pm sharp! 
>> Neal

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