[Nottingham] The arguments with WiFi continue

Jason Irwin jasonirwin73 at gmail.com
Thu May 19 08:31:40 UTC 2016

On 15/05/16 19:16, Jason Irwin wrote:
> Minor addendum:
Further addendum, and this gets weird.

Ethernet: ~950Mbps, seems legit, it's gigabit throughout the house.
5Ghz: ~30Mbps, OK...that's slow.
2.4Ghz: ~19Mbps, that's slower....

Now, for the weirdness.
First off, I access fast.com over ethernet at get 150Mbps. That's 
expected, that's the speed of my downlink and it proves I'm not hitting 
some limit.
I access it again over 5GHz from the exact same machine where I just ran 
all the above tests; what speed do I get reported? ~30MBps?
No, 70+MBps. WTF?

I would blame DD-WRT but I have used two separate routers, one of which 
isn't DD-WRT, to check my LAN speed and both give the same results.
70Mbps still isn't great, but it's twice as fast as the test to my own 
That make no sense at all, unless "iperf" is giving wonky results or my 
comprehension of networking is even worse than I thought it was!

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