[Nottingham] Basford Datacentre Visit - 2016-10-20 Thursday 3pm

Martin martin at ml1.co.uk
Thu Oct 13 16:54:43 UTC 2016


Roll-up, roll-up, login... For a rare occasion...

To venture into the Cloud... To See INSIDE the MATRIX...

To never to be seen in this world again... Until you can find the magic
command troff[*] to depixelate and reemerge... Forever changed!

Or more sedately:

Come watch a few LEDs blink furiously, fans whirring, LOTs of cables and
racking, even LOTs MORE data flying along the wires, for the best of
what Basford has to offer.

Also known as touring a datacentre.

Find that perfect home for your RaspberryPi3?... Or a few?...

All very aptly followed up with food and our Organ Grinder talk about
the Parallella.

Thanks to:

Barry Fox (Business Development Executive)

for the kind invite.

Please be welcome to join the small group of Geek Musketeers as we
explore this new physical cyberspace in Basford.

Further details are:

Those that wish to *attend on the 20th October* [Thursday afternoon],
please provide the information requested below, so that I may begin to
request access to the site for you all.

Visit date/time - 20th October 2016 / 15:00
Visitor name(s) -
Company name -
Vehicle registration(s) if parking required) -
Reason for visit - Introductory visit
Approximate visit duration - 1 Hour
Site - SDC/RD

I also again need to express that you do need to bring some form of
photographic ID with you on the day, e.g Passport of Driving Licence.
We do need to take a copy of this so that we can hold it on record so
that we can satisfy our ISO27001 accreditation.  If further visits are
wanted or requested we would not need to take this again.

*NOTE: NO DETAILS TO BE SENT TO THIS LIST* ! (For obvious reasons.)

Please email Barry directly on:

barry.fox        spacedatacentres.co.uk

(Insert the obvious "@" lest we zap their anti-spam...)

Your details are needed by Barry by end of Friday 14/10/2016

So far we have John, Jason, Nathan and myself for the full tour and food
and talk.

All welcome :-)


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- ║   Martin Lomas    ║ OpenPGP (GPG/PGP) Public Key: 0xCEE1D3B7 ║
- ║ martin@ ml1 co uk ║ Import from   hkp://subkeys.pgp.net   or ║
- ║ ----------------- ║ http:// ml1 .co .uk/martin_ml1_co_uk.gpg ║
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